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Han's Hub

I'm Hannah. I am 22, doing a Physics degree (yeah, I know...) and as you can probably tell from the purpose of this website - I love art and taking photos. 


I expect it is pretty obvious I am no professional photographer or anything like that - I just do it as a hobby and a lot of the photos on here were just taken by an iPhone! 


This site is just so I can show people the photos I take so they can see the cool and pretty things I have seen :D.


Just for the purpose of filling up some space on this page, here are some of my favourite things:


book: Pride & Prejudice/Jane Eyre

animal: cat/wolves - lots of photos of my cat can be found on the "Animals" page

food: roast potatoes - YUM

TV show: Game of Thrones, Supernatural and the X-Files


and here is a picture of me:

















I hope you enjoy looking at my photos!


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